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Elyn Joy's Writing Life, Ridiculously Abridged


The Boulder Flatirons 

Photo taken by the author near Denver, Colorado USA

Elyn Joy is an American author based in Denver, Colorado. The mountains are among her touchstones as a writer and nature lover. She is ever enthralled with learning and growing and keeps a stack of (mostly science-nerdy) books on her nightstand.


Elyn's published works include her recent YA genre-bending Samuel in the Quantum Field: How One Boy's Holocaust Story Can Help Us Bridge Space, Time, and Everything In Between. This memoir-meets-quantum science, metaphysics, history, and social science is making waves in Holocaust education and beyond. Elyn has written two children’s books, Everyone Has a Point of View (2018) and Once Upon a Pigeon and Other Retold Fables (C.R. Success Learning/Barnes & Noble, 2017); two health education books, The Gluten-Free Parent’s Survival Guide (2019) and The Gluten-Free Teen’s Survival Guide (2021); a series of personal biographies; and several articles for health/lifestyle magazines in the U.S. and Canada (including Gluten-Free Living, Simply Gluten-Free, and Whole Foods Magazine, among others). She has developed curricular materials for schools, museums, and projects.


For close to two years, Elyn was the head writer for an international spiritual thought leader with a readership of  over 1.3 million. Currently, she is working on Everyone Shares the Same Address (the sequel to Everyone Has a Point of View), a sci-fi YA novel, The WhereWhen Transport, and a fascinating nonfiction book (we'd tell you more, but the Witness Protection Bureau is pretty booked right now). She also co-leads Moving to Our Center, a nonprofit dedicated to helping bridge differences through dialogue, social action, and illuminating programming. 


On the personal front, Elyn lives with her husband in a historic area, where she can "time travel" daily just by walking the local streets. Her two grown children live in Boston (another fun place to visit for a girl intrigued by time).


​Whatever the project, Elyn tends to fight for—and write for—the misunderstood "other," be it human, animal, or other.​ Most of all, she hopes to bridge the divisions between and among us--and, in doing so, to help build a better and more compassionate world.

Same House, Other Rooms

Same House, Different Rooms...

Elyn Joy as Editor

And Educator

Elyn's editing work has given her the great honor of working with renowned author Joanne Greenberg (I Never Promised You a Rose Garden), as well as with international thought leader Scott Friedman (Celebrate: Lessons Learned from the World's Most Admired Organizations), and many other individual writers and organizations.

Throughout her decades-long teaching career, Elyn Joy taught literature, journalism, and creative writing to students at varying ages and stages. Her education-oriented books include the children's book and reader (see "Published Works") and a vast array of educational books, curricular texts and programs, and teacher training materials.  

And Academic

Elyn Joy earned her MA in Writing  from Middlesex University of London.​ She also has a B.A. in English and a B.S. in Communications from The University of Texas. 


She continues to study Kabbalah in Denver, and will often be found in a new class learning more about nature, science, art, or music.


Yet of all her educational accomplishments, the one Elyn treasures the most is the one each of us has access to at all times: that of personal curiosity and observation, along with the desire to never stop learning and growing. 

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